Imagine if collectively we could use our skills, knowledge and talents to make a positive difference! Well, together with Kids Company, we are inviting YOU to offer ‘just one thing’, a skill, a talent, an idea – to help those children & young people suffering from neglect, abuse and deprivation in the UK. It can be the smallest of things, so come on let’s take that first step together!

- A budding artist and can create a painting for a child’s bedroom
- A trained lawyer and can offer your time
- An employee of an organization that could offer training for mothers or young people
- An entrepreneur who may come up with an idea which may help address the issues associated with UK poverty
So why not take a moment after school drop off and enter your pledge or gather a few parents at the school gates to discuss your individual skills, strengths and talents. And if you are in need of a little inspiration click here for details of what Kids Company needs right now list of ideas and suggestions. Just remember the smallest thing could make the greatest difference!