Finding a job
Looking for a job role you are in the right place.
We will connect you not only with flexible roles but also the companies, networks and communities that are creating, sharing and offering roles. Along with flexible working advocates to keep you inspired with the changing world of work.
If you are a company and have a role you would like to share with our incredibly talented community we would love to hear from you. Email us for more information.
“Working with Beyondtheschoolrun it’s been one of the easiest and rewarding experiences and the people that we got to meet through the network are exceptional.”
Founder, Positive Luxury
Be flexible
Looking to find a new way of working, start here & now:
- Hidden – hiring for the creative economy
- ‘Flexible working for Mums’
Be on the board
Love your career and job but finding getting to board level or juggling it all tricky with a family. Well here’s some organisations that can help!
Money Matters
This is where we hope to connect you with your money journey. We will be bringing information, ideas and inspiration all connected to money because ‘What you put your attention to grows’ Kate Northrup: