Just One Pledge!
Click on one of the below for further details:
Just a few hours of your time can be very rewarding for you and our children.
To become a mentor to a young person or to help in a school, or to join our volunteer pool, please contact the volunteering team via our website at www.kidsco.org.uk/volunteer
Please note that all volunteering opportunities are subject to our safer recruitment policy.
Just… Campaign!
To help raise awareness of the issues millions of children in poverty face in Britain today support our campaigns and help us leverage the power to change the world!
- Follow us on facebook and twitter on: www.facebook.com/kidscompany | twitter@kidsco_tweets
- Lobby your company or your partner’s company to support us
- Blog on www.beyondthechoolrun.com and start a debate about child poverty
- Become a Kids Company ambassador and help us to spread the word across your community about our life changing therapies
- Networking opens doors, so open your little black book and see who you can encourage to help us!
Just…Share your skills!
Everyone has a skill they can share! Do you have a background in HR, marketing, healthcare, teaching, business and finance? Something else? Great! You could…
- help a young person practice their interview skills
- teach a new mum to cook
- help a child with their homework
- help with logistics and planning at our events
and much much more…
Just …Fundraise!
Your time and talents are valuable to us but you can also help turn them into much needed cash! It doesn’t cost a lot to make a big difference. From £2 to buy a hot meal for a hungry child to £5000 to sponsor a family for a year, just one donation makes a difference. You could:
- Develop valuable enterprise skills by setting up a supporter group. How much money can your enterprise make in a year? Set yourself a goal and see what you can do!
- Set up a just giving fundraising page on line and ask your friends to sponsor you in anything such as running, walking, dieting, knitting, or sitting in a bath of beans!
- Pull a committee together and put on a fundraising event like a fashion show or ball.
- Encourage your local schools, community and businesses to adopt us as their charity this year (the Rotarians, freemasons, scouts, Women’s Institute, faith groups and more!)
- Clear out your cupboards and get friends to help with a ‘good as new’ sale, a ‘pop-up’ shop or sell them on e-bay and send us the proceeds.
- Join our Plate Pledge on www.kidscoplatepledge.org.uk
If you need help with your fundraising activity or would like to start a Kids Company supporter group please email sally.brighton@kidsco.org.uk
Just…Buy One: Give One!
Next time you are shopping for the family spare a thought for the thousands of children who don’t have even the most basic of household items and clothing we all take for granted. Many retailers offer a ‘buy one get one free’ or ‘half price’ on a wide range of useful goods and clothing. We need these things urgently so next time you see an offer, or can afford to pop an extra item in the trolley, just buy one extra item and give it to kids Company! We have a warehouse in London where we can receive and redistribute your donations. We need:
- Towels
- Sheets and Duvet covers
- Pillows and Duvets
- Kids Nightwear, Underwear and Socks
- School Uniforms (shirts, skirts trousers, jumpers etc)
- Coats
- Kids Shoes, boots, wellies and trainers
- Kids gloves, scarves and hats
- PE and sports clothing and equipment
- Cot blankets
- Baby bottles
- Nappies
- Baby clothes
- Toys and Art materials
- Toiletries
- Computer equipment
(please note the donations must be new goods, unused and in pristine condition, thank you!)
Just one donation makes a difference to a child who has nothing but if you want to scale up your gift:
- Encourage your friends to ‘Buy one Give one’ when they go to the shops. Then bring the goods to our warehouse and we will ensure they reach children who need them most.
- Encourage your community to pool their resources by donating clubcard points, nectar points, gift vouchers and credit vouchers from the big retail chains. We can turn them into baby equipment, clothing and school uniforms for families in need.
- Forego Christmas and birthday presents and instead ask your friends and family to buy gifts for Kids Company from our John Lewis Gift List at www.johnlewisgiftlist.com. Click on ‘buy a gift’ and enter our gift list number 525473
To donate goods contact kids company on donategoods@kidsco.org.uk