Guest Post by Miisa Mink, Founder of DrivenWoman
Four years ago I had a dream. Would it be possible to create a systematic approach that would make every woman the success she wants to be? Could there be a forum where like-minded women support each other unconditionally and without judgment, in a very open and honest environment?
Driven Woman was launched in 2013, inspired by the magic that is made when women support each other. I wanted to create a network that would not only inspire but would become a real movement for proactivity. When women will support, inspire and become accountable to each other, big things will happen.
I believe the beauty is found in the authentic connections that women naturally form in an environment like this. We are born supporters and connectors, and all we really need is a safe environment to do just that. But it’s very important that the setting is based on authenticity – not perfection or success – to ensure everyone shows up without masks.
Too often women feel stuck in their circumstances and believe that big dreams are out of reach. This may be a result of cultural conditioning, lack of self-confidence or fear of failure.
Every success story is full of failure, mistakes and wrong turns. This is how we learn and find our way. We must cultivate the power that can be found in vulnerability and encourage taking personal risks. At Driven Woman we talk a lot about facing and overcoming failure and everyone who has been through the program agrees that their greatest breakthroughs have come from getting through obstacles, not from plain sailing.
It is this willingness to share both positive and negative experiences openly that helps women progress and reach a new level of confidence. It’s very liberating to be able to say: “what I have is not what I want” without fear of judgment.
Our approach combines networking and life coaching, but your coaches are other women sharing their journey. This method of ‘Lifeworking’ is based on accountability, commitment and regularly writing down your goals. In monthly meetings, members share their progress towards their goals and support and inspire each other to make big life changes happen. Members are encouraged to dream big, but more importantly to take practical steps to make those dreams actually happen.
Whilst DrivenWoman is the embodiment of women helping other women, I believe that female empowerment is something that every woman has to take responsibility for personally.
Many women already know what they want deep down, but saying it out loud may be difficult. It’s important to say things out loud, write them down and also share that with other people. It might feel a little scary at first but it is the only way to really commit to your dreams. This shared experience impacts directly on your self-belief and your ability to attract the things you want in your life.
My motto: don’t just wait for the world to change, start changing your own world one little step at a time.
Miisa Mink is the founder and chief-doer at DrivenWoman
Festival Of Doers will be held in London 27. January 2017