Guest post: How attract more dream customers online

You hear it all the time, don’t you?  “Just as soon as you figure out who you want to target, you’ll start getting great results….

Figuring out EXACTLY who to target is so much harder than most people credit. It’s a bit scary to narrow yourself down to just one niche and what if you end up putting potential customers off?

The online world is ridiculously crowded now.  Even the biggest companies with huge budgets struggle to cut through the noise and competition. Which is exactly why it’s vital your customers feel you understand them and their needs explicitly.

Do you remember the last advert you clicked on online?  Chances are that you were painstakingly targeted to see that particular ad.  It’s all about data and the great thing is that nowadays YOU can use this laser-targeted data-driven approach to promoting your business too.  These days it’s open to everyone.

But you need the foundations right first. And the first step is to know exactly who you want to target in intimate detail. (And I don’t just mean general demographics like age and sex). Once you get this right (and honestly, it might take a few attempts), you’ll have confidence and focus.

All content you create will immediately appeal to the right person online. First thing you’ll notice is that people will start liking your posts, commenting on your blog, emailing you asking: “Did you read my mind?!”

Not sure where to start? There are 4 revealing areas to cover and if you can answer all these questions, you’ll have a set of insights that will be invaluable:

#1 General demographics: foundational data that will influence any targeting decisions you make.

Are they male or female? What’s their age or age range? Where do they live? What income level are they at?

#2 Where they hang out/read/watch: This is where you find out their media consumption habits both online and offline.

Do they belong to any associations or groups? Which ones? What do they read? What website, blogs, forum groups, social networks are they spending time on regularly?

# 3 Emotions: This is getting to know what they feel, so that you can make emotional connections with them.

Who do you feel you have most rapport with in general? Who do you think would have the most rapport with you? (Describe their personality).   What’s their biggest problem? What would they love to have go away? What’s their biggest fear (in relation to your business)? What have they struggled with for a long time?

#4 Aspirations: Now find what drives them so you can inspire or motivate them in the area of your business.

What opportunities would they like, that they couldn’t get without you? What’s their aspiration? What do they want most? Who else influences their decisions?  Who are they trying to impress?   (could be a circle of friends, peers in an association).

Spend time answering these questions. Dig deep and discuss with existing customers. It’s worth taking the time to understand this person deeply as once you’ve built up a thorough picture of your dream client, you can review this information whenever you for example:

Write a blog post or email newsletter e.g. how can I help this person solve their biggest problem?

Approach someone to collaborate with e.g. does this person have the same target audience as me?

Write a guest post e.g. are the readers of this blog also my audience?

Create a marketing flyer e.g. is this message clear to my ideal customer?

For ease, I’ve created a free printable worksheet for you. I use this with clients in my mentoring programs.   I’ve evolved these carefully crafted questions over years of working with market research departments in large corporations and working with solopreneurs in online business.  And once you get clear on exactly whom you’re targeting online, those dream customers will start knocking at the door.

About Fiona:

Fiona is a no-nonsense marketer who helps business owners reach their target audience: mums. Through a combination of research, analysis and authentic messaging, she helps you create marketing strategies that get you noticed, loved, and bought. To find out more visit or connect on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.  



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